Dijkstra's Algorithm - Example

Dijkstra's algorithm is a shortest path search algorithm between a source and all other vertices in a graph without negative weights.

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This article has been written by Robin Pourtaud ([email protected]) and published on December 5, 2023.
The content of this article is licensed under CC BY NC 4.0 : You can freely share and adapt the content for non-commercial purposes as long as you give appropriate credit and provide a link to the license. In my case, the link to the original article is enough. Confidentiality if relevant: https://devmath.fr/page/confidentialite/

The Algorithm

If you are not yet familiar with Dijkstra’s algorithm, start by looking at the example and its correction. Reading the algorithm first is not the easiest thing.

        Function: Dijkstra
  - G = (A,S): a digraph without an absorbing cycle.
  - p: a function of arity 2 
  giving the weight of an edge in O(1)
  // Example p(1,2) gives the weight of the edge (1,2)
  - source: index of the source vertex
  - pred: An array containing 
  for each vertex the chosen 
  - weight: An array containing 
  for each vertex the total weight 
  (the sum of the weights) to traverse 
  to reach it from the source.
  // Initialization
  For $s\in S$: 
    weight[s] <- inf
    preds[s] <- "-"
  weight[source] <- 0
  // Main body of the function
  Q <- S
  While $Q \neq \emptyset$: 
    // Start by searching 
    // minQ, the first vertex to validate
    temp <- inf
    minQ <- -1
    For $q \in Q$:
      If weight[q] < temp:
        temp <- weight[q]
        minQ <- q
    Q <- Q - {minQ}
    For each successor q' of q: // Or neighbor if the graph is undirected
      // If the recorded distance 
      // is greater than the distance of the predecessor 
      // + weight of the edge: 
      // Update the information of q'
      If weight[q'] > weight[q] + p(q,q'):
        weight[q'] <- weight[q] + p(q,q')

This algorithm only applies to graphs with positive weights! If your graph contains negative weights (but no negative weight cycles), you can use the Bellman-Ford algorithm.


Here are 2 digraphs (directed graphs).

  1. Can you use Dijkstra’s algorithm on these graphs to find the shortest path from s to t?
  2. If so, determine the shortest path from s to t using Dijkstra’s algorithm.

Example 1:

Example 1

Example 2:

Example 2


Solution 1

An edge in the graph is associated with a negative weight. Therefore, Dijkstra’s algorithm does not apply here. You should use the Bellman-Ford algorithm (or another).

Solution 2

You can combine the 2 tables if you prefer, for example by putting in each cell “weight/pred”.

Weight Table

Q -= s/64$+\infty$2$+\infty$$+\infty$$+\infty$
Q -= 3/64$+\infty$/$+\infty$$+\infty$$+\infty$
Q -= 1/6/$+\infty$/6$+\infty$$+\infty$
Q -= 0///9/6$+\infty$$+\infty$
Q -= 4///9//7$+\infty$
Q -= 5///8///$+\infty$
Q -= 2///////11
Q -= t////////

Some hints to understand this table:

  • At each step, we look at the vertex with the smallest associated weight and examine its successors. For example, at the step Q-=s, we look at the successors of s, and if they are closer than our recorded value, then we update the table. For instance, in column 0: 6<$+\infty$.
  • “/” is just there for readability. The number above it is the real value of the cell.
  • Q -= s means we remove the vertex s from Q. If you look at the algorithm, at the initialization of Q, we have Q = “All vertices”. For each iteration, we deal only with the vertices in Q, so at the step Q -= s, we have filled the column of 0
  • Q -= 3 makes no change because among the successors of 3, we have 1. However, weight[1] = 4 which is equal to weight[3] + p(3,1) = 4. We make a change only if the new weight is strictly less than the recorded weight.
  • After the step $Q -= 1$, we have 2 vertices of weight 6. The choice doesn’t really matter. Q being a set, it’s unordered, so let’s follow the lexicographic order arbitrarily.
  • The table of predecessors below helps keep track of the path taken to reach the vertex. The 2 tables are filled simultaneously.

Predecessors Table

Q -= s/ss-s---
Q -= 3/ss-/---
Q -= 1/s/-/1--
Q -= 0///0/1--
Q -= 4///0//4-
Q -= 5///5///-
Q -= 2///////2
Q -= t////////

Let’s find the shortest path from S to T:

  • t’s predecessor is 2
  • 2’s predecessor is 5
  • 5’s predecessor is 4
  • 4’s predecessor is 1
  • 1’s predecessor is t

The shortest path from s to t is therefore:

$$s \rightarrow 1 \rightarrow 4 \rightarrow 5 \rightarrow 2 \rightarrow t$$

The total weight is: $4+2+1+1+3 = 11$